Here is a listing of all the tools that are included in the standard package of Kali Linux. If I have missed anything please post a comment and I will add it. Click on a link to find out more info about each tool on the official Kali Linux tools site. I will be writing up tutorials on most of these tools, and trying my best to setup a lab so that I can test each and every one of these tools, which will take some time cause some of these tools are for hacking things such as smart cards and utility meters, which I can not do at this time without permission from someone. I will not do anything illegal, and you should not either. I do not write about these posts for people with malicious intent.
Information Gathering
- acccheck
- ace-voip
- Amap
- Automater
- bing-ip2hosts
- braa
- CaseFile
- CDPSnarf
- cisco-torch
- Cookie Cadger
- copy-router-config
- DMitry
- dnmap
- dnsenum
- dnsmap
- DNSRecon
- dnstracer
- dnswalk
- DotDotPwn
- enum4linux
- enumIAX
- exploitdb
- Fierce
- Firewalk
- fragroute
- fragrouter
- Ghost Phisher
- GoLismero
- goofile
- hping3
- InTrace
- lbd
- Maltego Teeth
- masscan
- Metagoofil
- Miranda
- Nmap
- ntop
- p0f
- Parsero
- Recon-ng
- smtp-user-enum
- snmpcheck
- sslcaudit
- SSLsplit
- sslstrip
- SSLyze
- theHarvester
- twofi
- URLCrazy
- Wireshark
- Xplico
Vulnerability Analysis
- cisco-auditing-tool
- cisco-global-exploiter
- cisco-ocs
- cisco-torch
- copy-router-config
- DBPwAudit
- Doona
- DotDotPwn
- Greenbone Security Assistant
- HexorBase
- Inguma
- jSQL
- Lynis
- Nmap
- ohrwurm
- openvas-administrator
- openvas-cli
- openvas-manager
- openvas-scanner
- Oscanner
- Powerfuzzer
- sfuzz
- SidGuesser
- SIPArmyKnife
- sqlmap
- Sqlninja
- sqlsus
- tnscmd10g
- unix-privesc-check
- Yersinia
Exploitation Tools
Wireless Attacks
- Aircrack-ng
- Asleap
- Bluelog
- BlueMaho
- Bluepot
- BlueRanger
- Bluesnarfer
- Bully
- coWPAtty
- crackle
- eapmd5pass
- Fern Wifi Cracker
- Ghost Phisher
- GISKismet
- Gqrx
- gr-scan
- kalibrate-rtl
- KillerBee
- Kismet
- mdk3
- mfcuk
- mfoc
- mfterm
- Multimon-NG
- Reaver
- redfang
- RTLSDR Scanner
- Spooftooph
- Wifi Honey
- Wifitap
- Wifite
Forensics Tools
Web Applications
- apache-users
- Arachni
- BlindElephant
- Burp Suite
- CutyCapt
- DAVTest
- deblaze
- DirBuster
- fimap
- FunkLoad
- Grabber
- jboss-autopwn
- joomscan
- jSQL
- Maltego Teeth
- PadBuster
- Paros
- Parsero
- plecost
- Powerfuzzer
- ProxyStrike
- Recon-ng
- Skipfish
- sqlmap
- Sqlninja
- sqlsus
- ua-tester
- Uniscan
- Vega
- w3af
- WebScarab
- Webshag
- WebSlayer
- WebSploit
- Wfuzz
- XSSer
- zaproxy
Stress Testing
Sniffing & Spoofing
- Burp Suite
- DNSChef
- fiked
- hamster-sidejack
- HexInject
- iaxflood
- inviteflood
- isr-evilgrade
- mitmproxy
- ohrwurm
- protos-sip
- rebind
- responder
- rtpbreak
- rtpinsertsound
- rtpmixsound
- sctpscan
- SIPArmyKnife
- SIPp
- SIPVicious
- SniffJoke
- SSLsplit
- sslstrip
- VoIPHopper
- WebScarab
- Wifi Honey
- Wireshark
- xspy
- Yersinia
- zaproxy
Password Attacks
- acccheck
- Burp Suite
- CeWL
- chntpw
- cisco-auditing-tool
- CmosPwd
- creddump
- crunch
- DBPwAudit
- findmyhash
- gpp-decrypt
- hash-identifier
- HexorBase
- THC-Hydra
- John the Ripper
- Johnny
- keimpx
- Maltego Teeth
- Maskprocessor
- multiforcer
- Ncrack
- oclgausscrack
- patator
- phrasendrescher
- polenum
- RainbowCrack
- rcracki-mt
- RSMangler
- SQLdict
- Statsprocessor
- THC-pptp-bruter
- TrueCrack
- WebScarab
- wordlists
- zaproxy
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