Wednesday, September 10, 2014

How to add a non root user in Kali Linux

If you have tried to install applications such as VLC or other and tried to run them as your root account chances are they will say that you can not run this as root. This is a security feature, and it makes a lot of sense because a root user can change system configuration and a standard user can't.

So lets show you how to create a standard user in Kali Linux. You can easily do this. First open the trusty terminal (you are getting used to using the terminal right?). Then enter the following commands (of course replace meo with your user name):

useradd -m meo
Note the -m creates the home directory which is usually /home/username
Next type the following to set the password for the newly created user:
passwd meo
You will have to enter the password for the new user twice. Simple.
Next add user to the SUDO group so that they can sudo to install programs and make system change

usermod -a -G sudo meo
Now set the new users default shell to BASH

chsh -s /bin/bash user1
That is all you have to do, now logout of your root account and use your user account!

As always thank you for reading.

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